Peter Heusser
Anthroposophy and Science (pdf)

Reviews and opinions Intergrative Medicine / CAM

The role of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in reducing the problem of antimicrobal resistance (November 2015) (Full text: pdf)

A new EUROCAM brochure concerning antimicrobial resistance. In a meeting with the EU commission, DG SANCO, last week EUROCAM handed over this brochure. EUROCAM recommends that the potential of CAM in reducing the problem of AMR is given serious consideration and that further research is carried out in this area to determine in which conditions, both in human and veterinary healthcare, specific CAM modalities are particularly effective.

CAM 2020 - The contribution of Complementary and Alternative Medicine to sustainable healthcare in Europe. (Full text: pdf)

The booklet "CAM 2020 - The contribution of Complementary and Alternative Medicine to sustainable healthcare in Europe" provides information about CAM scoping its current practice and availability as well as its potential future role across the EU. In addition, it highlights priority policy action areas to enable CAM to fulfil its significant potential to contribute to the healthcare of EU citizens

Complementary & Alternative Medicine: Current status and potential in European healthcare. EUROCAM position paper 2012. (Full text: pdf)

The role of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) in the context of Cancer EUROCAM position paper 2012. (Full text pdf)

Model Guidelines CAM Practice (CAMDOC 2008) pdf

Integrative Medicine in General Practice (CAMDOC 2011) pdf

Towards Integrative Medicine in Europe CAMDOC-ECIM 2011 pdf