Organizations and associations involved with IM/CAM reseach in Europe and worldwide
International Society for Complementary Medicine Research (ISCMR)
European Society for Integrative Medicine erV. (ESIM)
Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine AIHM
European Scientific Cooperative on Anthroposophic Medicinal Products (ESCAMP)
Organizations involved with IM/CAM in Finland
Suomen Lääkäreiden Akupunktioyhdistys ry (physicians)
Suomen Antroposofisen lääketieteen lääkäriyhdistys ry (SALLY) (physicians)
Funktionaalisen lääketieteen yhdistys ry (various medical professional groups)
Antroposofisen lääketieteen yhdistys ry (ALY) (forum of various medical professional groups)
Pohjoismainen Homeopaattiyhdistys ry (homeopaths with various professional background)
Suomen Homeopaatit ry (homeopaths with various professional background)
Luonnonlääketieteen Keskusliitto LKL (various professional groups)
Suomen Terveysjärjestö ry (various professional groups)
Yhdistävä Lääketiede ry (various professional groups)
Physicians´organizations and associations involved with political issues in the field of IM/CAM in Europe and worldwide
International Council of Medical Acupuncture and Related Techniques (ICMART)
International Federation of Anthroposophic Medical Associations (IVAA)
European Ayurveda Medical Association (EURAMA)
Other (=non-physicians´) medical organizations and associations involved with political issues in the field of IM/CAM in Europe and worldwide
European Federation for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (EFCAM)
European Central Council of Homeopaths (ECCH)
Association for Natural Medicine Europe (ANME)
European Herbal and Traditional Medicine Practitioners Associations (EHTPA)
European Traditional Chinese Medicine Associations (ETCMA)