Research databases for Ayurveda
Provided with courtesy of the European Ayurveda Medical Association.
For details please browse the EURAMA website.
Digital Helpline for Ayurveda Research Articles (DHARA): DHARA is an online index of articles on Ayurveda published in research journals worldwide. The Database contains more than 53000 articles from 4306 journals.
Clinical Trials Registry-India (CTRI): CTRI is an online public record system for registration of clinical trials being conducted in India that was launched on July 20, 2007.
Scientific Research on Maharishi Ayurveda:
Indian Medicinal Plants Database: The first version of this database correlates 7263 botanical names with around 100,000 vernacular names of plants entities in nine different languages. It also includes > 5000 plant images of medicinal plants and appropriately linked to the proper botanical names.