Integrative Medicine and Healthcare
in the EU

CAM-Interest Group

Seminars in the EU-Parliament

Further information, programms, presentations, publications etc...

CAM Conferences in the EU-Parliament

Conference 9.10.2012

Further information, programme, presentations, publications etc...

EUROCAM on Facebook
News and discussion


Read more: Final conference presentations, reports, publications

CAM Doctors



8th European Congress for Integrative Medicine ECIM 2015

Global Summit on Integrative Medicine and Healthcare
Exploring the Evidence Base for Integrated and Sustainable Research, Healthcare and Workforce for Patients

Greater Copenhagen, Denmark

September 25-27th, 2015

Call for abstracts: Deadline July 14th

See Program

ECIM 2015 Global Summit Keynote Speakers

Abstracts online!



Integrative Medicine and Healthcare in Finland


Research Symposium
CAM - Complementary and Alternative Medicine -
The challenges of scientific research in Finland

University of Tampere, Dept. of Health Sciences
13.11. 2015

Printed material
Reports, Interviews etc.

Discussion in
social media

Facebook: Täydentävät terveysnäkemykset

Bloggi: Täydentävät terveysnäkemykset

National and international conferences

International Congress for Integrative Health & Medicine, Suttgart, Germany. 9.-11. June 2016
Further information

9th European Congress for Integrative Medicine (ECIM). The Future of Comprehensive Patient Care.
Budapest, Hungary, September 10-11th 2016

Peer-review journals publishing research on Integrative medicine

A covering overview of almost all CAM journals can be found at:

Complementary Therapies Journals Links

Examples of freqently cited CAM journals:

Forschende Komplementärmedizin / Research in Complementary Medicine

Advances in Integrative Medicine

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Complementary Therapies in Medicine

Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice

European Journal of Integrative Medicine

Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine eCAM

Global Advances in Health and Medicine

Integrative Medicine Insights

Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine

What is the purpose of the Finnish Forum for Research in Integrative Medicine and Healthcare (SILF)?

The purpose of the Forum is to inform about the development of Integrative medicine and integrative healthcare in the world, in Europe and in Finland based on factual information with the focus on research. The Forum is intended to act via the Internet portal, giving information about research, universities and health care institutions and organizations in the field of Integrative medicine. In addition, the Forum intends to inspire and promote research in the field of Integrative Medicine in Finland. Furthermore, the Forum aims to open the discussion on the value of Integrative Medicine for public health care and medicine for the benefit of the Finnish people. To achieve these goals the Forum collaborates with universities, research institutions and organizations in the field of Integrative Medicine in Finland and worldwide.

Integrative medicine is based on conventional medicine, but adds on evidence-based medical systems and methods of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Per definition Integrative medicine can be practiced only by health professionals who have been trained and qualified in the field of conventional medicine with additional education and qualification in at least one CAM method. "Double-trained" health professionals can choose the most adequate method of treatment for a particular patient in a particular illness.

The initiative for the Forum emerged by a group of physicians, dental surgeons and veterinary physicians of the Finnish Association of Anthropophic Doctors (Suomen Antroposofisen lääketieteen Lääkäriyhdistys, SALLY ry). The group was joined by physicians practicing different CAM-modalities and university researchers in the field of health sciences and salutegenesis. The Forum was inaugurated in 2014.


Contact: info(at)