What is osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a special technique of manipulating the musculosceletal parts of the body (joint, muscles) for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of morphological and functional disorders. In Finland the profession of osteopaths is officially recognised by the authorities.
Further information:
Suomen Osteopaattiliitto ry: http://www.suomenosteopaattiliitto.fi/index.htm
Suomen ortopediset osteopaatit ry: http://www.soory.info/
Forum for Osteopathic Regulation in Europe (FORE): http://www.forewards.eu/
Osteopathic International Alliance OIA: http://wp.oialliance.org/
The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association http://www.jaoa.org/
Osteopathic Research Web http://www.osteopathic-research.com/